Scottish Statutory Records

On January 1st 1855, the registration of all Births, Marriages and Deaths in Scotland became law and all these records contain valuable information.


Birth Records:


Details are given for the child's full name, date and time of birth, place of birth, sex, parents' names (including mother's maiden surname), father's occupation, date and place of parents' marriage and name of informant (with relationship to child).


Marriage Records:


Details are given for date and place of marriage, full names of groom and bride (including age, occupation and place of residence at time of marriage).  Also recorded are the full names of both sets of parents and witnesses.


Death Records:


Details are given for the deceased's full name (including spouse's name where applicable), occupation and age at time of death.  The date, time and place of death is recorded as well as cause of death.  Parents' names are also noted.